Monday, May 28, 2012

The Ugly Side of Ministry

I have seen the ugly side of ministry in the last few days but there are some positives that have come out of it. Last week some of the members of our church were burdened for a family that has been coming to EBC off and on for the past year or so. This family does not have much and has been living in a difficult situation. The man has never been involved and never comes to our services. There are four children under the age of 8 and little to no income. Our church has helped this family a few times over the last year included Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets.

On Saturday night the lady was physically abused by her boyfriend. Our church has stepped up in tremendous ways. Three couples offered to take in the lady and her four children. Several people gave money to help move her and to provide food, clothing, storage, and other things. The man has been arrested and this family is now safe. One couple went and picked up the lady and her children at midnight and made a 1:00am trip to Wal-Mart to get food, diapers, and other supplies.

I cannot tell you how proud I am to be part of the EBC family. People have set their pride and comfort aside to help a family in need. This has been the complete work of the Lord. Several people were burdened for this family and acted upon it before anyone knew the severity of the situation. Truly we have seen the ugly side of ministry that is a result of the sinfulness and selfishness of humanity. On the other hand, we have also seen the church truly being the church and doing whatever it takes to help people in need. Here is what the lady said, "If I didn't believe in God before, I certainly would as a result of the help that has been given to me."

I recently came across a quote that has stuck with me. "If your church no longer existed, would the community even care?" While I can't speak for the entire community, I know of one family who would certainly care. May this be just the beginning for EBC to truly be the church and not just go to church!

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