Friday, March 9, 2012

My Calling

Not too long after I was saved, I began to feel like God wanted me to do more than just sit in the pew. Heather and I were on our way to the mall and I told her that I felt like God was calling me to preach. Her response was "He's not calling me to be a preacher's wife!" Needless to say that made for an interesting trip to the mall.

A few weeks later I talked to my pastor. He said that he believed God was calling me but he wanted to the Lord to reveal that to me so he didn't say anything. He gave me the opportunity to preach one Wednesday night. During my sermon (if you could call it that) I was very nervous and monotonous. At the end of the service, our church family came up to compliment and encourage me. On the drive home Heather told me that the Lord had put it on her heart that this is what we were called to during my message!! That was in 1997.

Looking back, I thank God for the awesome way He revealed to Heather and I that this is what we are supposed to do. I can't imagine doing anything other than preaching and teaching the Word of God and shepherding the flock that He has called us to!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Testimony

I was not raised in a Christian home. My parents were divorced when I was too young to remember. My mom moved us to Florida (from Virginia) when I was about 7. Our family background was Catholic but that was just a title. I remember one time when I was 12 years old I went to a Catholic church with a friend. Someone asked me if I was a Christian in the parking lot. I asked what that meant and they said, "Do you believe in God?" Of course I believed in God. Their response was, "Then you're a Christian."

I moved to Northwest Arkansas as soon as I graduated high school. I started working for Wal-Mart and the guy who was training me began to share Jesus with me. I realized for the first time that Christ died for my sins. I had always believed in God but I never believed on God. I believed facts but I didn't have faith. 

On September 6, 1995, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. My life began to change and I now had meaning and purpose in my life! Tomorrow I will write about my call to preach.